Zaub xam lav ntawm qwj nplais thiab khaw

Zaub nyoos tau noj ib txoj hauj lwm ruaj khov rau hauv peb lub rooj, tsis muaj nyiaj so koobtsheej ua tsis tau lawv. Qhov no yog to taub, qee cov khoom ua ke nrog txhua lwm tsim ib qho tiag tiag extravaganza ntawm saj. Kiv cua ntawm cov ntses thiab cov nqaij nruab deg yuav yeej nyiam salads qab qab nrog cov qwj nplais, cov qoob loo thiab lwm cov neeg hauv seas thiab cov dej hiav txwv. Cov zaub mov txawv rau lawv cov kev npaj, peb yuav qhia rau koj tam sim no.

Zaub xam lav ntawm qwj npliag, squid thiab shrimps

Cov khoom xyaw:


Shrimp ncuav boiling dej, coj mus rau ib tug boil thiab boil kom txog thaum siav. Feem ntau ob peb feeb tom qab ua dej npau yog txaus, tab sis, yog tias koj xav paub seb yuav ua li cas thiaj noj cov cw , ces peb xav hais tias koj kawm cov khoom tseem ceeb. Tom qab ua noj, peb ntxuav lawv ntawm lub plhaub. Mussels tsuas yog kom txaus ncuav dej kub npau npau li 2-3 feeb, tom qab uas cov dej yuav tsum tau muab pov tseg. Siav qe, dib thiab cov kaus poom khib nyiab yog txiav mus rau hauv ib lub strips, nyuab cheese peb ntawm ib tug loj grater. Tag nrho cov khoom xyaw yog tag nrho, seasoned nrog mayonnaise thiab tov. Ua ntej pab, ntxiv cov kab muag me thiab rov sib dua. On ib tug ca zaub peb kis lub nplooj ntawm ib tug ntsuab zaub xam lav, on to top - peb cov zaub xam lav nrog qwj nplais, shrimps thiab squid. Pob kws pob kws txiav hauv ib nrab thiab decorate zaub xam lav rau saum. Tsis tas li ntawd, raws li ib qho kev hloov tshiab, koj tuaj yeem siv tau cov txiv ntseej, khib nyiab, txiv qaub thiab zaub.

Zaub xam lav nrog kib thiab khaw

Cov khoom xyaw:


Dos yog peeled los ntawm husks thiab txiav mus rau hauv me me pieces. Nyob rau hauv ib lub lauj kaub ci nrog cua sov, roj zaub, ntxiv cov qwj nplais, cws thiab ua noj rau 5 feeb, ntxiv ntsev thiab txiv qaub kua txiv mus saj. Peb muab txhua yam rau hauv ib lub phaj thiab cia nws txias. Boiled qe txiav rau hauv me me cubes, thiab txiav cheese. Tag nrho cov khoom xyaw yog tag nrho, ntxiv mayonnaise, mix thiab yog hais tias tsim nyog, ces dosalivayem mus saj. Zaub xam lav nrog kib mussels thiab shrimps yog npaj txhij! Yog hais tias koj xav noj cov khoom txom ncauj, tab sis tag nrho cov pluas noj, mam li saib daim ntawv qhia rau cov roj khov kib .

Zaub xam lav ntawm pos i hws thiab qwj nplais

Cov khoom xyaw:

Rau ib qho kev pab:


Zaub ntsuab yog ua ntej ntxuav, qhuav thiab rhuav koj ob txhais tes ntawm random pieces. Peb muab tso rau hauv lub phaj thawj zaub, ces txiav radishes, qwj nplais, octopus, olives thiab noria, txiav rau hauv daim. Ncuav cov zaub xam lav nrog txiv qaub kua txiv thiab txiv roj roj.

Zaub xam lav ntawm qwj nplais thiab paj

Cov khoom xyaw:


Nqaij ntawm rapan, qe, tshiab cucumbers txiav mus rau hauv ib daim hlab, peb ntxiv mussels, pob kws thiab boiled mov. Peb muab shredded tshuaj ntsuab, mayonnaise mus saj thiab sib tov, yog hais tias tsim nyog, ib me ntsis ntau salting.

Nqaij zaub mov nrog cov qwj nplais

Cov khoom xyaw:


Peb squid lub squid mus rau hauv dej npau npau thiab ua noj rau 2-3 feeb, tsis muaj ntxiv. Thaum twg lawv txias, txiav lawv mus rau hauv ib daim hlab. Crab nrog txiav rau hauv me me. Proteins ntawm qe rubbed on ib tug loj grater. Nrog cov rapes, squid thiab cws, ntws cov kua. Txiv lws suav yog muab faib ua 2 qhov chaw, peb nqa tawm lub pulp, thiab lub hauv paus yog tseem txiav mus rau hauv ib daim hlab. Peb muab tag nrho cov khoom xyaw, ntxiv grated cheese, txiav cov txiv ntseej, mayonnaise thiab cov zaub ntsuab, me ntsis txiv qaub kua txiv, sib tov, yog tias tsim nyog, tom qab ntawd muab kho dua.