Johnny Depp lom cov neeg tuaj xyuas Disneyland nrog rau kev sib tham sib sau ntawv

Dab tsi yog tuaj nrog cov neeg muaj tswv yim PR! Los txhawb cov duab zoo heev ntawm James Bobin "Alice in the Looking-Glass" tau nquag nquag koom ua lag luam loj heev. Naas ej Hollywood entertainer Johnny Depp lom zem qhua ntawm Disneyland Resort hauv Anaheim. Lawv tau sib txuas lus nrog lawv cov hnub qub uas nyiam tshaj plaws los ntawm cov ntawv xov xwm nrog ib qho "live".

Peb coj los rau koj mloog ib qho video uas yuav qhia tawm tus essence ntawm dab tsi tshwm sim. Hauv koj yuav pom, raws li tsim nyob rau hauv Mad Hatter, Mr Depp teb cov lus nug ntawm cov pej xeem. Qhov no yog pab los ntawm kev siv cuab yeej tam sim no - lub koob yees duab zais ua pauv uas yog daim duab ntawm zaj yeeb yaj kiab ua cim rau hauv qhov screen.

Ntau tus qhua ntawm Disneyland tsis tau to taub txog dab tsi tshwm sim thiab tau xav tsis thoob thaum lawv pom Johnny Depp hais lus, leej twg tau saib ncaj nraim ntawm lawv ntawm cov yeeb yuj screen.

Nyeem kuj

Tus ncua sij hawm hais txog qhov adventures ntawm Mia Wasikowski

Tom qab tso tawm ntawm qhov kev hloov tshiab ntawm tus tshiab "Alice in Wonderland" los ntawm Lewis Carroll, nws tsim nyog mus ntseeg hauv qhov kev pom ntawm nws txuas ntxiv. Muaj tseeb tiag, qhov kev ncua ntawm qhov chaw ntawm qhov nkauj tis tau qeeb, tab sis peb yuav ntseeg hais tias 6 lub xyoo tos ntawd nws muaj nqis!

Nco qab tias tus thawj coj ntawm cov saum toj no zaj dab neeg yog tus xib fwb ntawm cov dab neeg zoo thiab tsis muaj dab tsi - Tim Burton. Ntawm qhov project, tus thawj coj lub rooj zaum tau muab tso rau tus neeg sau zaj duab xis "Muppet" thiab "Cov Neeg Dub 4", James Bobin.

Lub sij hawm no, me ntsis loj Alice mus rau ib lub teb chaws zoo los pab nws tus qub phooj ywg, Mad Hatter, tawm ntawm teeb meem. Nyob rau hauv ob sab ntawm daim duab koj yuav pom koj cov neeg nyiam: Anne Hathaway, Stephen Fry, lig Alan Rickman, Helen Bonham Carter, Michael Sheena. Lub tuam txhab yuav yog "neeg tuaj tshiab" - Sasha Baron Cohen, Richard Armitage thiab Rhys Ivans.