Decoding spermogrammy: dab tsi raug rau cov phev zoo li cas thiab yuav ua li cas kom muaj kev phev dua?

Incredibly, tab sis qhov tseeb: ntxov los yog tom qab yuav luag txhua tus txiv neej xav tias txog kev txuas ntxiv ntawm tsev neeg. Thiab ib co txiv neej npau suav ntawm cov me nyuam ntau tshaj lawv cov poj niam. Tab sis thaum nws los npaj rau kev xeeb tub, yav tom ntej dads ntseeg tau tias lawv tsis muaj dab tsi ua rau lub sij hawm no. Thiab lawv tseem yuam kev. Cov txiv neej nrog rau cov poj niam ua rau cov noob caj noob ces ntawm tus me nyuam thiab muaj lub luag haujlwm rau kev noj qab haus huv ntawm lawv tus tub los sis tus ntxhais yav tom ntej.

Ntxiv nrog rau cov noob caj noob ces, nws muaj ib qho tseem ceeb ntawm kev npaj rau tsev neeg kom rov ua tiav. Los ntawm tus txiv neej nyob rau hauv ntau respects qhov ntau yam ntawm conception nyob ntawm. Raws li cov ntaub ntawv qhia, nyob rau hauv ib nrab ntawm cov cev xeeb tub tsis tshwm sim vim hais tias ntawm fertil tsawg ntawm ib tug txiv neej. Nyeg, qhov taw qhia tseem ceeb ntawm fertility yog qhov zoo ntawm cov phev, uas yog txiav txim siab los ntawm cov tsis muaj xws li cov xov ntawm spermatozoa, lawv kev mus, qauv (morphology) thiab viability.

Yuav kom nkag siab tias yog vim li cas txoj haujlwm tseem ceeb no ua yeeb yam los ntawm cov cwj pwm no, cia peb nco qab tias lub tswv yim tshwm sim li cas.

Spermatozoa nkag mus rau hauv lub uterine kab noj hniav 30-60 feeb tom qab ejaculation, thiab tom qab 1.5-2 teev lawv nkag mus rau ampulla ntawm uterine raj. Lub qe nyob ntawm no hauv nruab nrab 24 teev tom qab ovulation. Tom qab ntawd lub qe los yog fertilizes los yog tuag. Thaum spermatozoa "nrhiav" ib lub qe, lawv muab mus rau nws lub plhaub, tab sis nkag mus rau hauv lub qe cell, raws li ib txoj cai, tsuas yog ib qho spermatozoon yog ua tau. Rau so, lub plhaub ua impenetrable. Tom qab cov kab tho tawm mus rau lub qe, nws cov pos hniav nrog cov tub ntxhais ntawm lub qe, thiab leej txiv lub chromosomes tsim ib zaug nrog cov niam chromosomes. Txog ib hnub tom qab no, qhov tshwm sim ntawm tes pib faib - thawj theem ntawm fetal tsim pib.

Nyob rau hauv kev tshawb xav, txhua yam yog yooj yim. Tab sis qhov kev muaj tiag yog ntau yam nyuab dua. Cov kab xev thaib muaj qhov loj me me (nws yog 8 zaug me dua lub pixel). Yuav kom "tau" mus rau lub qe, cov phev xav kov yeej ib qho luv nrug, uas yog ntau tshaj 3636 lub sij hawm. Yog hais tias ib tug txiv neej tau mus ntawd txoj kev, nws yuav tsum taug kev los ntawm Moscow mus Voronezh. Koj puas xav tias ntau tus yuav tiv nrog txoj hauj lwm no? Tias yog vim li cas nws thiaj li tseem ceeb tias spermatozoa yog txawb thiab muaj cov qauv zoo. Thiab ntau dua li cov phev hauv cov phev, qhov ntau dua qhov uas tsawg kawg yog ib tus neeg tuaj yeem ncav cuag lub hom phiaj.

Cia peb tham ntau txog txhua qhov qhia.

Qhia tau tias txiv neej fertility

Raws li peb twb pom tawm, kom tau raws li cov qe menyuam, spermatozoa yuav tsum tsiv mus nyob rau ntawm ib sab. Cov tshuaj tua kabmob (spermatozoons) kuj pom tias tsis ua haujlwm yog hais tias lawv lub qhov rooj sib txuas lus muaj kev sib txeeb lossis qhov oscillatory mov hauv ib qho chaw (manezhnye lossis pendulum) - hauv qhov no tus kabmob tsis tuaj yeem ncav cuag qe. Ib txwm phev yog suav tias, yam tsawg kawg ntawm 40% ntawm cov kab mob hauv spermatozoa mob siab.

Qhov tseeb qauv txiav txim tsis tsuas yog lub peev xwm txav, tab sis kuj muaj peev xwm mus impregnate ib lub qe. Cov kab mob spermatozoon yog qhov yog morphologically tseeb yog tias nws lub taub hau muaj lub oval tus kab contour nrog ib tus acrosome zoo li cas. Ib qho acrosome yog ib lub voos membrane nrog enzymes dissolve lub plhaub qe txeem rau cov kab mob hauv nws. Cov acrosome yuav tsum feem ntau nyob 40-70% ntawm lub taub hau. Cov tshuaj tua kabmob yuav tsum tsis txhob muaj lub hauv paus ntawm lub taub hau, lub caj dab, lub nruab nrab thiab cov tawb.

Qhov concentration ntawm spermatozoa nyob hauv lub ejaculate tseem ceeb heev. Cov mob nyob rau hauv 39 lab noj qab haus huv spermatozoa los yog ntau tshaj poob ntawm ib milliliter ntawm cov phev yog suav tias yog fertile rau conception. Rau fertilization kom muaj kev vam meej, tsawg kawg yog 10 lab spermatozoa yuav tsum nkag mus rau lub tsev menyuam.

Li cas los soj ntsuam txiv neej fertility?

Txoj kev ua siab tshaj plaws yog ua ib qho kev ntsuam xyuas ejaculate, phev fais fab. Deciphering spermogrammy yuav tso cai rau kwv yees zoo ntawm cov phev, qhia teeb meem uas cuam tshuam nrog kev xav, thiab kom tshem tawm tau lawv.

Ua raws li WHO cov qauv, ib qho kev ua kom zoo tshaj yuav tsum ua raws li cov nram qab no:

Yuav ua li cas thiaj noj cov tshuaj phev?

Ua ntej muab cov phev rau kev tsom xam, nws yuav tsum tsis txhob tawm tsam kev sib deev rau tsawg kawg 3-4 hnub, tab sis tsis tshaj li ib lub lim tiam. Koj tsis tuaj yeem haus dej haus cawv (xws li npias), tshuaj, mus xyuas lub tsev so, siv da dej kub. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws qhov sov so ntawd phev tsis tuag, 20-37 ° C, txias cov phev hauv qab 20 ° C ua rau lub distortion ntawm indices. Yog li ntawd, nws yog qhov zoo uas yuav tsum siv qhov kev ntsuam xyuas nyob rau hauv tib chav uas qhov chaw kuaj mob nyob hauv. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb uas txhua tus phev ejaculated uas tau raug ntes mus rau hauv kev kuaj kab iav ntog hauv qhov chaw. Qhov poob ntawm tsawg kawg ib feem yuav cuam tshuam ntawm txoj kev tshawb fawb.

Yog hais tias qhov kev ntsuas phev siab siab, qhov kev ntsuam xyuas kuj yuav muaj txaus. Tab sis, yog tias koj pom cov pathologies hauv lub ejaculate, koj yuav tsum xav tau ob los sis peb lub hlis nrog ib lub caij nyoog ntawm 7 hnub.

Kuv puas yuav tsum tau noj cov tshuaj phev?

Tsis yog txhua tus txiv neej pom zoo mus rau lub cev tsis pub hno tshuaj nyob rau theem ntawm kev npaj muaj menyuam hauv plab. Zoo, qhov kev coj cwj pwm no yog to taub thiab tuaj yeem hais tau los ntawm ntau lub hauv paus. Txawm li cas los, nyob rau hauv txhua rooj plaub, ib tug txiv neej yuav tsum xav txog yuav ua li cas los txhim kho qhov zoo ntawm cov phev thiab nce lub mobility ntawm spermatozoa. Qhov tseeb yog tias dhau los ntawm ib nrab xyoo dhau los, qhov zoo ntawm cov phev nyob rau hauv cov txiv neej tau ho poob. Qhov no yog vim qhov tseeb tias concentration, morphology thiab, qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws, kev quab yuam ntawm spermatozoa yog heev sensitive rau tus ntawm lwm yam tseem ceeb: deterioration ntawm ecological tej yam kev mob, haus dej cawv thiab ib co tshuaj, haus luam yeeb, malnutrition, thiab lwm yam.

Ua rau kom muaj zog ntawm spermatozoa thiab qhov zoo ntawm cov phev yuav pab tshwj cov tshuaj vitamin. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom to taub hais tias txij li thaum maturation ntawm spermatozoa kav 72 hnub, tus txiv neej yuav tsum muab tsawg kawg 3 lub hlis los npaj plab. Vitamins rau cov txiv neej thaum lub sijhawm no yuav tsum tau noj txhua hnub. "Txiv neej cov vitamins" yuav tsum muaj cov zinc, vitamin E thiab L-carnitine nyob rau hauv ntau dua. Tag nrho cov khoom no yog ib feem ntawm cov tshuaj "Spematon". "Spematon" stimulates spermatogenesis thiab pab txhim khu phev zoo vim qhov tseeb tias:

Thiab ntawm chav kawm, nws yuav tsum nco ntsoov tias kev npaj tswv yim yuav tsis tsuas yog cov vitamins rau cov txiv neej, tab sis kuj yog txoj kev noj qab nyob zoo, yam tsawg ib ntus tsis kam haus dej cawv thiab haus luam yeeb, noj zaub mov zoo thiab lub siab zoo. Muaj, kev nyuaj siab, dhau lawm, paug tus mob ntawm tus txiv neej lub cev thiab cuam tshuam qhov zoo ntawm cov phev.

Peb lub hlis ntawm koj lub cev thiab ua raws li cov cai yooj yim yog txhua tus txiv neej ua tau rau kev noj qab haus huv ntawm nws tus me nyuam hauv plab txawm ua ntej nws yug los.